Colombo High Court trial-at-bar managing the Bharatha Lakshman murder trial extremely cautioned previous MP Duminda Silva today to leave the court premises without consent amid the trial.
The court watched Silva leaving the court when the third respondent Ravindra Jayanath assumed name Dematagoda Chaminda was affirming.
Whenever asked, Silva said that he went outside to drink some water.
The judges watched that such a solicitation would have been entertained by the court in the event that it was educated and extremely cautioned Silva.
The trial-at-bar contains High Court Judges Shiran Ranasinghe, Padmini N Ranawake and MCBS Moraes. Thirteen litigants incorporating Silva stand blamed in the trial.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Duminda Silva Severely Warned By Colombo High Court